Thursday, March 17, 2011

[asking forgiveness & meat lover's pizza]

Today I should really be addressing save-the-dates. My goal is to finish addressing the ones for which I have the addresses and then to track down addresses which I do not have and complete those as well.

I also need to put my entire wedding look together. I know how each piece (veil, hair, make-up, dress, jewellery shoes) looks on its own but I have not seen it all put together so I want to do that and take photos so I can get used to it or change anything that does not fit.

Fiancé and I had an argument last night since we are both kind of stressed about our jobs and the upcoming wedding and buying a house but it is so funny how one little phrase from him to me and a Meat Lovers pizza from me to him can cause us to re-evaluate why we were even upset with one another.

I'm grateful for the opportunity to learn how to love him better everyday.

The future Mrs.

[update: the save-the-dates are (mostly) addressed aside from a couple stragglers (31 of fiancé's list, actually) but all in all today's goal = success!]

1 comment:

  1. I hear you on being stressed! My husband and I fought a lot during our engagement because of the wedding and working. Try to enjoy it and have fun though because it goes by SO fast!


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