Monday, June 27, 2011

[his show, mum's day, and thrifting]

I must be the worst fiancee. Like really, I still haven't posted about how awesome Mr. C and the band, The Exchange, did on Saturday night at Smith's Olde Bar! We had quite a crowd for their CD release. HOLLA! Since I had to work the merch table (where are all the middle school girls who like to do this kind of thing? geez louise!) I didn't get to take any photos. However, there was a chick who managed to get too many quite a few photos of my boys...

Hubcap is in the middle...

BIG NEWS: Today is my mom's birthday! 
My mom has been there for me through my greatest trials and has encouraged me in them. She has been there during my life's disappointments and tough choices and has given me guidance. She has never once complained about what I ask of her but always does it with a compassionate and patient spirit. It is because of her steadiness in the hard times that I love to share the good times with her. I have never accomplished anything that credit cannot be shared with her. She is ever my sounding board, encourager, confidante and best friend. 20 years ago she was learning to be a mom, I think she has done an amazing job. Cheers to my mom!

Dear Mom, happy birthday to the sweetest, most adorable woman in the world. I smile when people tell me that I'm just like you, what a compliment!! I love you! Happy 51st!

Obviously this is not a recent picture. It was taken 9 years ago in Washington DC;
it remains our favorite picture of us ever taken. 
We maybe need to do a remake at my wedding....just a thought...

Other big news: I went thrifting for the first time today. Yes, shocker, a blogger who had never thrifted before?! Can it be so?! Indeed it can. I've always said I'm an anomaly... Here's the deal, you guys have inspired me to find cute real vintage stuff at super cheap rather than pay $40 for an imitation vintage dress from a website. I really just went in there to find some things for our reception but I came out with 4 dresses! I'm going to be looking like Jackie O. every time I wear one of these and that absolutely thrills me! Photos? Well duh..

This is one of the dresses. I belted it and threw on some of my grandmother's pearls. J'adore.

These are not thrifted, they are my own, but you needed to see the shoes that made the outfit.

I did find some vintage stuff for the reception. Ie this little set.

And this lantern.

And this little bowl (it also had two matching plates).

All in all, it was productive for my first time at it. Hopefully I will be getting some good photos of the birthday dinner tonight and will have those up eventually.

Oh and these next photos are per Kaysie's request, so don't think I'm braggin ;)

Okay, okay, I got a little carried away there for a minute! Have a lovely Monday, friends.


  1. GIRL with a ring like that you SHOULD brag! Thanks for satisfying my requests... :)
    I'm so in love with the dress, and the color of it.
    I wish I could dream in that instead of "navy" ;)

  2. Wow your thrifty finds are AWESOME! I love the color of the dress and with those shoes it totally rocks. I can't believe it was your first time thrifting - are you hooked now?! I know I am. Hope your mom had a great bday!

  3. @Kaysie: Thanks, he did a banging job on the bling. I couldn't believe I lucked out on the dress, though I sort of wish I also had it in a neutral, because it is that awesome.

    @Rachel: I am totally hooked now! I've gone another time since then and found more awesomeness. Luckily we have 1/2 priced days at all of our thrift stores so that multiplies the awesome.

  4. WOW, you totally need to remake that picture with your mom- it's priceless. Kinda like I did with my mom:


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