Thursday, June 23, 2011

[sweets, shopping & shoes]

Yesterday I went out with my mom for something that equates to the "most girly day" of my life.

We started by having lunch at a tearoom. We did not mean to go to this particular restaurant; we were looking for a sandwich/coffeeshop in which to spend some time reading and chatting. We wound up at a restaurant out of the Victorian era.

Scones & cream.

Chicken salad croissants and pasta salad.

After our bizarre lunch we went shopping. (Duh what else do you do on a uber girly day?). I bought these little cuties. Fiance decided that they are his favorite shoes that I own when I debuted them at dinner last night.

Then I bought some non-girly, wedding related items... Canvases & new oil paints for various and sundry wedding decor.

Finally, I was a good fiancee and bought hubcap a new pair of tennys. He's pretty pleased.

Happy Thursday, dahlings!

1 comment:

  1. "hubcap" haha, love it
    that food looks so good! I have to go eat after looking at your blog...


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